Beneath Our Feet

This term year 4 had the unit of Beneath Our Feet which is about the earth’s surface changing. I researched and wrote my own info report on volcanoes. We ended the unit by making dioramas to show our understanding and shared them with our year 2 buddies. Whilst making my diorama I most enjoyed making Read More…


In Integrated we are learning about weathering, erosion and deposition. Weathering is the process of breaking down landforms (there’s 2 types mechanical weathering is caused by wind, water and ice. Chemical weathering is caused by gases like co2.) Erosion is the process of taking the pieces of land away. Deposition is the process of taking Read More…

Sci lab

When I saw the lab in the Senior School I was jumping with joy. On Thursday the 9th of August 4T went up to the Senior School Science Lab to learn about which materials are metals or not. We were split up into groups of 2 people. I got partnered with Raph and we conducted Read More…

Science incursion

On Monday July 29th Hands on science visited 4T . We did lots of experiments testing the properties of materials. My favourite experiment is down below. Aim: test the strength of different types of paper. Materials: .butcher paper .paper towel .news paper .tissue .copy paper Method: Insert paper on one of the hooks of the Read More…